• Reading time:7 mins read

A topic that is difficult to talk about, but it has been written and said a lot. It is part of our history and what has happened has affected almost all of Europe and should never happen again. Many consider a visit to Chernobyl to be “dark tourism” and others are too frightened by the still high radiation.

The construction of the power plant began in 1970 in the USSR at this location due to its low population and easy access to water. At the time of the tragedy, it had 4 reactors and two more were under construction. The explosion occurred in the fourth block on April 26, 1986, as a result of the failure of several factors. Another explosion followed, but residents of nearby Pripyat were not evacuated until the next day. The people responsible for the explosion were convicted and people did not return to the city. Currently, there are still several hundred people living in the area.

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