How to have a fantastic 10 day trip to North Peru with spending minimum

The impossible became reality! Check out how I planned this incredibly short 10-day trip in North Peru and despite that have still seen most of the places. Normally you need at least two weeks to explore northern Peru at a quite normal pace. But you can do this even in…

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The secrets behind Nazca lines and how to visit them

Nazca lines are one of the biggest unexplained archeological mysteries. The archeological site consists of geoglyphs and lines. About 2,000 years ago, there was a culture called Nazca living in this area. They made more than 70 designs of plants, insects, and animals, 800 straight lines, and 300 geometric figures.…

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These pyramids in Peru are as old as the pyramids in Egypt

Caral is a place that has been struggling for popularity, especially among foreign tourists. Unfortunately, a lot of people skip this place due to the distance, price, and difficulty to get there. Nevertheless, it is a very important place. Did you know that this city is considered to be the…

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